Press conference: The empty words of Czech climate politics

published 30.09.2020

Joint press conference of the Social Watch, the Climate Coalition and the Center for Transport and Energy.

It will be possible to watch the event live on the Facebook pages of the CDE and the Climate Coalition (Facebook event).
The short conference will take place on Wednesday September 30 2020 at the Scout Institute Old Town Square in Prague. Starts at 10:00 and the representatives of the organizations will present three new documents reviewing the Czech Republic's climate policy and its implementation.
  • Monitoring Report of the Social Watch and the Climate Coalition on the Implementation of the Paris Agreement 2020 ,,The confused climate policy of the Czech Republic does not bring us too close to the fulfillment of the objectives of the Paris Agreement"
  • CDE publication "Climate protection policy in the Czech Republic: Words Lost in the Wind"
  • Opinion of the Climate Coalition on the revision of the EU's 2030 emission reduction targets
We will start by evaluating the implementation of the Paris Agreement in the Czech Republic. This will be followed by a detailed review of the implementation of the measures of the strategic document Climate Protection Policy in the Czech Republic, including recommendations in the areas of industry, energy, agriculture or waste management. Finally, we will briefly address the necessary increase in the EU's emission targets by 2030 and the possibilities of achieving them quickly and effectively.
  • Jan Freidinger, Greenpeace campaigner Czech Republic
  • Kristina Zindulková, analyst of the Association for International Affairs
  • Tomáš Jungwirth, project coordinator Center for Transport and Energy
Facilitated by Michaela Pixová, communication coordinator of the Climate Coalition and editor of the Social Watch report.
Vegetarian snacks and drinks (coffee, tea, water) will be provided for participants. In the premises of the Scout Institute, please keep your mouth and nose covered and observe hygienic measures.
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